Sahari Tank

Frac Tanks

Purpose from Frac Tank:

  • Atmospheric storage tank, primarily used for water and Acid.d
  • Can be used for to store any corrosive & non-corrosive fluid.
  • Can be configured for mixing applications.


  • Capacity: 500 BBL, Different shapes bottom – Flat Bottom, V bottom.
  • Corrugated Steel Construction, Internal Coating DERAKANE 470-300.
  • All welded steel construction to spec. ASTM A36 IBS EN 10025 S275 JR
  • Drain/fill: 4″ floor drain at rear end, 3″ fill pipe to roof at rear,
  • 4″suction line connection at front, 8″ flanged front manifold connection with turn down to floor, 8″ exterior manifold with 4-4″couplings and Plugs, hammer union sub, nut, and caps on end.
  • Gel line: 4″ mid high connection on curb side, 4″ internal pipe with 3/4″ holes located on 12″ centres towards floor centre, capped on rear end (end near side manway)
  • Manway: 21″ manway on front and side, 2- non-sealed hatches on roof
  • Pick up: standard 5th wheel king pin

Over All Dimension::

  • Length 14 Mtr * Wide 2.67 Mtr – Height 3.98 Mtr * Weight 16000 Kg